Friday, December 11, 2009

Professional Politicians

In response to the blog, “Professional Politicians”, by Chelsea, I, too, think that politicians should be more focused on the work of the position, instead the work of campaigning to get there. The purpose of having politicians is to have skillful people in higher positions of power to make laws and decisions for the good of the people, not to be the biggest campaign moneymaker, or the most known person because it. This is one of the reasons why I do not support the idea of having political parties. To me, political parties may have at first seemed like a good idea because they help group people and politicians into groups based on their main beliefs for government and the nation, but now parties mostly seem to be large groups of people trying to out-spend, out-campaign, and out-maneuver each other so that their political group can be in power for a period of time. Yes, they still have the ideas of their party influencing them, but elections seem based more on the vastness of the campaign than the actual personal beliefs of the person running for a position. People should make decisions about who they elect to offices based on individual beliefs and character, instead of just party affiliation. This system of political parties has led to the topic that Chelsea addresses, which that of politicians being more adept at campaigning than holding a position of power because of the huge expense of running for office. As for me, the word politics comes from poly, meaning many, and tics, meaning blood-sucking creatures. Yes, I know that is not the actual root of the word politics, but I still believe that it accurately represents what it has become.

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